Internet Resources

Here is a Google document with the class' recommendations.
Monty Hall Simulator
Monty Hall Simulator


A simulator of the Monty Hall Problem.

Problem is a good example of probability being unintuitive, and the mathematical explanation is often unsatisfying the first time you hear it.  This simulator helps you to see (in action) that the mathematical answer really is right.  There are several simulators out there, some less ugly, but I like this one best because it compiles statistics from previous online players.

Content tags: probability, simulators

Combinatorics Calculator
Combinatorics Calculator


A calculator for typical combinatorics problems.

This is essentially a lookup tool for standard combinatorics formulas, but  with a nice GUI.  What makes it a particularly good learning tool is the fact that it will enumerate the objects in question for you (something no human should ever have to do).  It is potentially too powerful, since it has the capacity to interpret homework problems for you (if you use the ``numbers'', ``balls'', or ``objects'' question types).  This, however, is information easily obtained from a formula list as well--students still need to identify which type of problem they are dealing with.

Content tags: combinatorics, permutations